July 12, 2021
CANTON, OH – Jane Timken, candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, joined the ‘Stop Critical Race Theory’ Coalition today by formally signing a pledge to combat Critical Race Theory in Ohio, an issue she has been a leader on in her campaign for Senate.
“Critical Race Theory has no place in Ohio schools or across this country. It’s a marxist, divisive, racist ideology that teaches our children to be judged on the color of their skin, not the content of their character,” said Timken. “As Ohio’s next Senator, I will fight for an education agenda that lifts up all children, regardless of race, so that all students can achieve their own American Dream.”

StopCriticalRaceTheory.com is a coalition of 30 Groups in Ohio that have
joined together to combat Critical Race Theory. The pledge includes to:
- Prohibit the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Ohio’s schools, universities and governments.
- Prohibit the teaching of concepts that present any race as inherently deserving of preference.
- Refocus the primary purpose of education; achieving academic excellence with equal opportunity.
- Oppose the election of any statewide or local officials, legislators or school board members who support CRT training.
As a leader on this issue, Jane Timken launched a statewide listening tour on education and Critical Race Theory in early May and has talked to parents all across the state about this divisive agenda. You can read about some of the stories and concerns heard at these listening stops here and here.

Timken also has a dedicated statewide radio ad targeting Critical Race Theory running in markets across Ohio.
Learn more about Jane Timken and her campaign for U.S. Senate HERE.