U.S. Senate Candidate Jane Timken Endorses Constitutional Amendment to Keep Supreme Court at Nine Justices

September 8, 2021

Calls on Tim Ryan to Answer Where He Stands

CANTON, OH – U.S. Senate candidate Jane Timken endorsed the “Keep Nine” amendment today, a constitutional amendment that would keep the number of Supreme Court Justices at the traditional nine. The intent of this amendment is to ban court packing and preserve the independence of the Supreme Court, an issue that is continuously under attack from the radical Left. 

“Democrats’ endless pursuit of power and desire to radically transform our country must be stopped,” said Timken. “As Ohio’s next United States Senator, I will proudly stand for judicial independence and a court that is not swayed by partisan shifts, but stands firm in the Constitution and rule of law as our Founding Fathers intended.” 

In light of growingcallsfrom the Left to pack the Supreme Court, Jane Timken also calls on her likely Democrat opponent, Tim Ryan, to answer unequivocally the question he has long dodged:

Does Tim Ryan support Democrat efforts to expand the Supreme Court? 

“Tim Ryan has already proved he’s a reliable rubber stamp for Democrat power grabs including abolishing the filibuster and voting in favor of D.C. statehood,” said Timken. “While Ryan dodges and hides on court packing, Ohio voters deserve to know: does he support Democrat efforts to pack the Supreme Court? Any answer besides ‘no’ is an attack on Ohioans’ God-given Constitutional rights.” 

To learn more about this amendment, visit keepnine.org


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