Timken Only Candidate Showing Growth in Ballot Position, Name ID, and Favorability
June 2, 2021
CANTON, OH – Jane Timken’s campaign for U.S. Senate released the following poll Wednesday showing that in just 100 days since launching her campaign, Timken has gained nearly 20 points on the ballot. Additionally, among voters with an opinion of both Timken and Josh Mandel, Timken beats Mandel in a head to head matchup with an over 2-1 advantage. Key findings of the poll include:
- Since launching in February, Timken’s ballot position, image, and statewide awareness are improving on a monthly basis while other candidates are either flat-lining or declining.
- In a head-to-head matchup with Josh Mandel, Timken has gained 19 percentage points on the ballot.
- 34% of the electorate has an opinion of both Timken and Mandel, and among voters with an opinion of both leading candidates, Timken has a 2-to-1 advantage with over 50% of the vote! (Timken: 52%, Mandel: 25%)
- While Mandel has high name ID because this is his fifth run for statewide office in 12 years, he is seeing decline in his numbers across the board and is underperforming relative to his name ID.
- In other words, the more voters know about Timken, the more they vote for her. The more voters know about Mandel, the less they vote for him.
- In the full field of Senate candidates, Timken has gained more than 14 points.
- Among those with an opinion of both Mandel and Timken, the full field ballot is 40% Timken and 16% Mandel.
- Timken’s favorability ratings have increased by more than 15 points since February.
“I am proud that my record as a conservative disrupter, Party unifier, and problem-solver is resonating with Ohioans,” said Timken. “Voters know that I am the true, America First candidate in this race that doesn’t just talk about supporting President Trump, but has the record of results to prove it. I will continue to criss-cross Ohio and share my message of fighting for Ohio jobs, Ohio businesses and Ohio families.”
Key takeaway #1: As a first time candidate and in just 100 days since launching, Jane Timken is in a position to win in a full field primary, and tromps Mandel in a head to head matchup among voters with an opinion of both.
Key takeaway #2: Jane Timken is the only candidate that is converting her image, name ID and favorability to votes, while other candidates are showing no gain or decline.
Key takeaway #3: Jane Timken is the only candidate with a significant ground game, surpassing 100,000 voter contacts just this week, and is growing her grassroots coalition every week, with over 125 conservative endorsements from all corners of Ohio. The work Timken is putting in is clearly working.

The poll was conducted by Moore Information Group. For more information see the polling memo below:

Learn more about Jane Timken and her campaign for U.S. Senate HERE.