October 1, 2021
CANTON, OH – Following up on her strong endorsement of Jane Timken, Governor Kristi Noem campaigned in Ohio this week. Rallying hundreds of supporters in Cincinnati, Columbus and Lima, Gov. Noem shared why she supports Jane Timken for U.S. Senate.
WATCH: Spectrum News Columbus
Noem: “She stood up for the policies that Donald Trump worked for each and every day. She made a difference and she’ll make a huge impact in the United States Senate. We need people that are tough, but we also need someone with a mother’s heart.”
READ: Lima News
“As the pair have traveled across the state together, it’s clear that one of the country’s most conservative governors has given a full backing to Timken’s campaign.”
“I really believe in Jane,” Noem said. “I think she’s a hard worker, she makes good decisions. She’d be a really wonderful United States Senator from the great state of Ohio.”
Noem: “Every political adviser that I have has said to me ‘why would you get involved’ in a U.S. Senate race with so many candidates…’ I’ll tell you why – it matters. I don’t know the other people very well but I’ve done a lot of research – I know you have a quitter in there…I don’t want a quitter in the U.S. Senate. When there’s a fight going on I want them in the fight until we win…I’ve worked with this lady for years, and she does not quit.”
WATCH: Lima Hometown Stations
Noem: “It’s really important that everybody puts the right people in these positions of powers during this time in our country. It’s something we’ve learned in the last year, year and a half, is that leadership has consequences and the decisions that our leaders make has a big impact on people’s day to day lives.”
Below are photos from this week’s events:
